

2、例句:US actress Brittany Murphy died of pneumonia, a Los Angeles coroner has ruled. 一位洛杉矶验尸官判定,演员布兰妮·墨菲死于肺炎。

3、2、I need you to give Stevie and Brittany their baths and put them to bed. 我需要你给布列塔尼和斯蒂夫洗澡,再把他们抱到床上。

4、3、In January , 1488, Charles VIII , the French King, attacked Brittany , which greatly threatened the benefit of England. 1488年1月,法王查理八世大举进攻布列塔尼,严重威胁了英国的利益。

5、4、I remember the day Brittany came to our school.我仍记得布里塔尼来我们学校的那天。

6、5、Then Brittany told me during science class that she had put him up to it.后来在自然课上,布里塔尼告诉我,是她让那个人邀请我的。

7、扩展资料相关句子:Mild winters and cool summers in the north west ( Brittany ). 在西北部 ( 布列塔尼 ),冬天气候宜人,夏天气候凉爽。

8、2、In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace. 作为报复,查理六世派军讨伐布列塔尼,奸淫杀戮平民。

9、3、During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height.6世纪初,从不列颠涌向布列塔尼的移民潮达到了高峰。

